The Book of Shadows
The most valuable and least expensive of a Witch's tools is the Book of Shadows. This book is your personal collection of rituals, spells, insights, and etc. It should be your most comprehensive resource on your craft, and it should be constantly changing as you grow and learn. The Book of Shadows is of course steeped in tradition, and some covens claim to have very old books that have been passed down for generations. Usually initiates into each coven are the only ones allowed to see it. I know a few covens that make thier initiates copy the book over word for word. This is by no means the way it has to be. My book of shadows is currently kept on my hard drive, in a collection of files. I move them around and cut and paste into them as much as I like. I have been working on one that's a handwritten book that i've dedicated, but you don't have to go that far at first, or at all if you don't want to. I know some very accomplished witches who keep black three-ring binders as thier BoS and are constantly re-arranging things as they need them. The largest tip I can give you on building your BoS is to make it yours. Personalize it.
Below I have a list of the more common things in a Book of Shadows. You can put all these things in, or pick a few, or create your own... Remember to be creative. Your Book of Shadows, like your practice, should mirror your personality.
The Wiccan Rede
It is always a good idea to keep a full copy of the Wiccan Rede on hand, wether in your BoS or on a wall somewhere. I have the last few lines printed up on some scroll paper that I hang above my alter. You can find the full copy on my page. It is also a good idea to include, after the reded, a little write up of what you think it means. This gives you insights into your craft, and yourself.
The Sabbats
Knowing each Sabbat, it's signifigance, corresondances and rituals is very important. I suggest keeping a list of each one along with the different things that go with it in one neat section. It's also fun to write out your own personal ritual for each occasion. As you continue, you can build on these rituals, and add new ones you've created as well.
You should have a calendar that has the moon phases and the Sabbats, esbats, and etc marked on it. This is just a good practical way to make sure you know when everything is happening. The moon is very important to magick and it's workings. It's also important to know which astrological sign the moon is in.
Magickal Correspondences
You don't necessarily have to keep this in your BoS if you're using a handwritten book. You want to have a list of stones, herbs, oil essences, colors, and how they correspond to the Gods and Goddesses as well as magickal intent and so on.
Rituals and Spells
Probably the more famous of the pieces of a BoS. A list of general rituals for Esbats, Opening and closing a circle, self-initiation and etc should be placed here as well as any spells you've written or have found to be usefull. You can also stick your Sabbat and Esbat rituals here instead of in a seperate section.
Chants and Poems
Any chants you find useful to your practice are good to put in your BoS, as well as handwritten chants and poetry.
Journal - Dreams, Spells, and otherwise
Keeping a journal is a good idea because it helps you keep track of different things you've tried and wether or not they've worked. Some of witchcraft is trial and error. Keeping track of just how you did a spell can help you to either
A: Repeat the spell if it works out well. There have been times when i've cast a spell and then came to a similar situation and not know what I did that worked so well last time.
B: NOT repeat the spell if it doesn't.
Most importantly, it helps your left hand keep track of what your right hand is doing. In this day and age, it's easy to forget everything you've got going. A dream journal is also important because keeping track of your dreams and analyzing them is an excellent way to open the "Third Eye" chakra. It will help you to become more perceptive of the third world, and may even warn you of things that are going to happen before they do.
The best way to learn is to think about things and then write down you insights into those things as you go. This is especially important in Pagan practice because the more insights you gain into yourself, the more deep your practice is going to be. Learning is a process that never stops. It helps us to grow and it's important to keep track of that growth. Remember to date your entries!
Remember, don't just stick a bunch of stuff into your BoS. Only include what you consider to
be of value, and always make your own alterations. If you put a ritual in their, write
side-notes on what you decided to change for your purpose. If you put an inspirational article
in there, add your own thoughts and ideas in the margins.