Othila:Inheritance, Homeland
Othila's literal meaning
can be traced back to the German word "adel" and Dutch
word "edel," both meaning nobel. It appears as the
combination of Gebo and Inguz, and can be interpreted as
the "gift of Ing." (Aswynn, 99).
As the rune of inheritance and possessions, one must look to
understand both concepts: Inherited powers and inherited
Inherited powers may be the wisdom passed down from
one's ancestors, that center that binds an individual in a soul
sense. These powers are mysterious and Othila serves to
strengthen them. It may call one back to one's homeland or
roots, or cause one to experience that feeling of "coming to
know" one's identity. When found in conjunction with
Mannaz and Ansuz, this is especially true. (Gundarsson,
Inherited possessions usually take the form of property rights
or if representing money, the form of a pension. Othila also
helps solve legal questions that may surround the
possessions being passed down (Peschel, 94).
On a spiritual level, Othila reversed
signals a detachment to one's roots or inherited powers, or
that they have been left unattended and are now weak. On a
physical level, it may mean a delay in gaining immobile
wealth, and that outside help is unavailable. If surrounded by
reversed runes, a continued rush may cause irreparable
damage to the situation. Thoroughness is called for here, and
the examination of one's current motives and attitudes
(Peschel, 95).
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Odin:Eternal Mystery
Odin is the faceless rune and represents the unkown. If drawn by itself, it can be taken as a
sign that the question doesn't need answering at the moment, or that the Universe doesn't wish you to know the answer yet. For now it is good to leave your fate in the hands of the Universe and hope for the best.
When paired with other runes, it may be used in a similar way. The future is not yet written, and nothing is laid in stone.
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