A Few Good Tips
1. Read Diverse Sources
Wicca is an extremely diverse religion/culture. There are millions of different
points of view on the craft, and as many different covens, traditions, and sects.
I'm a Solitary Eclectic Wiccan, but there is also Gardnerian, Alexandrian,
Celtic, Silvan, and etc. Always remember that although there are some
basic threads to Wiccan practice, the rest of it is basically up to you. Don't
read this page and decide that it is the total holy writ of Wicca. It isn't.
This page is just my own personal view on my faith, which is bound to be
different than yours. So pick up many different books, visit many different
websites, commune with yourself and the Goddess and then make your own decisions
on what you have read and what feels right inside.
2. Study More than One Religion
You will be surprised, when you study the many religions of the Earth,
how similar they actually are. I personally have read up on Buddhism, Hinduism,
Judaism, Islam, and Native American culture. I think the roots of my understanding
of the Goddess and God come from reading the different cultures and religions
that are out there and discovering the common threads. Not only will it ground you
in what you believe, it will also give you space to debate with others when needed (and
undoubtedly, if you wear a pentagram in public you will get stuck in at least
one religious debate). It may also open the door into a part of your soul
you didn't see before, or you may find that a different religion works better for you.